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The world of healthy AND hearty food and beverages awaits.

One of the biggest hurdles in creating healthy, delicious AND enjoyable food and beverage lies in achieving the perfect balance among various factors.

How can we remove sugar without losing texture? Can sauces remain rich and creamy when egg and fat are removed? How can we incorporate fibre and still offer appealing textures?

The answers are in our latest solutions brochure. Explore the many ways you can use to create delicious, healthy AND enjoyable foods across four major product categories:

  1. 1. Savoury
  2. 2. Dairy
  3. 3. Beverage
  4. 4. Bakery

Download now to see how you can Own the AND℠ and create healthy, tasty AND innovative products that consumers will love!

Ready to co-create with Ingredion? Our experts are here to help.

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